Money Market Funds Fine Print
Money Market Funds Fine Print
Fine Print -Many Money Funds except those in US Treasury may impose a fee upon the sale of your shares or may temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the Fund’s liquidity falls below required minimums because if market conditions or other factors. (What is the required minimum or “other factors”) Top Ten holdings Repurchase agreement treasury 23.5%
For example one money market fund Fact sheet states the total portfolio is $209 billion dollars with 419 holdings. Distributes monthly. It is divided into Investor shares and Ultra Shares. What are Ultra Shares? Must have at least $1,000,000. to invest. Loads none, but it does have a Gross Expense Ration and that has a note that reads “The investment advisor and its affiliates have agreed to limit the total annual fund operating expenses as stated in the prospectus (contractual expense limitation) for so long as the investment adviser serves as the the advisor to the Fund. The agreement may only be amended or terminated with the approval of the Fund’s road of Trustees. The limitation excludes any interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses, which may result in the Fund incurring total annual fund operating expenses above the limitation. This figure my differ from that presented in the Fund’s shareholder report. and a Net Expense ration and a Gross Expense Ration and Ultra Shares has a minimum initial investment of $1,000,000. Performance for one year annualized is 3.76 as of 6/30/23 and for the end of Year 2022 the Annual Total Return for the Investor Shares was 1.54.