New concerns by corporations of a new law from the Biden Administration that allows shareholders with less than $2,000.00 worth of stock to be able to attempt to add proposals to the year end annual corporate meeting that all shareholders big and small, get to vote on. The SEC has approved over 700 of these proposals and many are based upon social concerns such as climate change, diversity, oil disinvestments and more. Corporations are not all happy with these proposals and are calling some “Trojan Horse” meaning they would cause harm to the company with proposals that would cause losses and do harm. Proponents of proposals claim their new ideas would make important changes and also possibly help profits, but many in the corporate leadership see these as disruptive “Trojan Horses” and the changes have allowed more to be filed than previously. One can see energy companies would not enjoy having proposals asking them to slow down investing in oil and gas though it may be an important goal for many activists and others of the general population. The question is whether these proposals disrupt the commercial goals of the company and they are used in ways that could impact a company by hurting its profitability. Therein lies the battle.